Sacred Stewardship and the Elements

Ste-Anne-de-Prescott, Ontario

Shamanic Workshop; near Ottawa and Montreal, August 23-24, 2008.

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I would like to invite you to a weekend Shamanic Event on Lucie Brunet and David Sherwood’s land in Ste-Anne-de-Prescott (mid-way between Ottawa and Montreal). It will be on Saturday and Sunday, August 23 & 24, 2008.

“Sacred Stewardship and the Elements” is about our dynamic relationship to the earth. Why pay attention to the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit? Because they are calling out to us! To balance our lives, balance the planet. It feels so good to experience a more rich and satisfying experience of the Earth as our Home. We can all see the potential that holds.

During the weekend, we explore the elements on land in a rural setting. We learn how to deepen our connection to abundance in our lives with the essences of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit, and therefore with ourselves. Our nature IS of the essence of the elements, and we can easily see that in others: the fiery friend, the teary one, the person who daydreams a lot (airy), or one who is the proverbial salt of the earth. Whatever your dominant streak, this workshop will help balance the essences within. That, in turn, allows us to create sustainable practices that are balanced in our environment, wherever we live.

During the workshop we will learn how to understand what co-creative stewardship with the elements in the land means, and what it might look like in our lives if we were more aware of both the invisible and the visible realms. Rituals, celebrations, drumming, dancing, Shamanic journey, singing or telling our medicine are some of the methods that will be shared.

To honor the elements is to honor that the Earth is giving each of us a body and a home. By taking this weekend opportunity, you can learn to work more deeply with the primal energies that are the basis of form. It will be a grounding experience, whether in field, kitchen or garden.

This special location at Ste-Anne-de-Prescott has inspired the stewardship of David and Lucie. As Nancy Dancing Light, I have witnessed how they are allowing spirit to guide the physical manifestation on their land. This is my second workshop there, as well as family visits as a sister. I wish to support the vision that is manifesting there and which joins our land to theirs, and to like minded people. They will be assisting and bringing their extensive experience as facilitators of community and spirit groups.

The three of us are really excited about continuing to build community with learning, sharing and committing to visions which will emerge from our practice together.

TIME: Sat. 23-Sun. 24 August, starting at 9:30 am Saturday and finishing mid-afternoon on Sunday.

PLACE: 520 Concession 9, Ste-Anne-de-Prescott, Ontario (it’s an hour from the Montreal airport, an hour and a half from the Ottawa airport)

COST: $185 Early Bird (before July 18); $200 after July 18. Cheque payable to: Nancy Sherwood (mailing address below).

ACCOMMODATIONS: It is good medicine to dream on the land where the workshop happens, so we hope you will pitch a tent in the field or maybe sleep under a roof on the porch. But you can also crash in the basement.

MEALS: Bring one dish to share for Saturday lunch. The following supper, breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee. Be prepared to help with cooking or cleanup, it’s a group experience all the way.

WEATHER: We will be outdoors a lot, so dress appropriately, sunscreen, mosquito repellent (of a type not toxic to humans, please), a hat, boots, etc.

If we are overly blessed with rain, the workshop can move into the barn.


Phone: 902-792-1667 (or Lucie & David at 613-674-2042).