Nancy Sherwood is a contemporary grandmother shaman, an intuitive dancer and healer. She founded Traveller's Joy in 1997 after several decades of studying many paths, raising children, working, creating art and living in rural Nova Scotia.
Nancy's shamanic practice began with an initiation in 1987, when she simultaneously received the name "Dancing Light," and the gift of intuitive dance and healing. Nancy's intuitive movement embodies messages from the spirit world to show people their essence, strengths, illnesses. This awakens them to their own wisdom. Nancy also works with other dancers to help them open up to their native creativity and fine tune their expression.
Nancy's training has included traditional teachings and contemporary expression from both living and Spirit teachers. While her genetic inheritance is mostly Celtic, she has learned from shamanic traditions as diverse as the Bon, Miq'maq, ancient Celtic and North American Blackfoot. Other teachings have come from meditation practice, and teachings and transmissions from ancient and living mystics. As a result, her shamanic work translates across cultures and she is comfortable working with a number of healing systems and modalities. For her, spirit is creative fire.
See also video interview with Nancy on South Shore Now.
Nancy's travel has taken her to Mexico, India, Iceland, the Caribbean and countries in the UK, Europe and Africa. Her relationship to the land has seen her living sustainably on 3 acres with her family (13 years), co-stewarding 200 acres with her partner (10 years) and co-founding an ecovillage on 11 acres (10 years). Each experience offered a different opportunity to explore her relationship to the land and how that relationship corresponds to creativity, health and the soul. Traveller's Joy is the vehicle that brings together Nancy's shamanic training and love of travel, enabling others to connect with their ancestors, relate to the land and find healing of the soul.
"Nancy's presence in my life has been a remarkable
sweet spiritual support..."
- Gina, Wales
Some links about Nancy's dancing:
2005 Nancy was a featured choreographer in a Kinetic Studio series of contemporary dance.
2009 Nancy talks to the New York Times about dancing at the Joshua Tree Interspiritual Conference in California. Text • Photos
Contact Nancy:
(902) 521-3958
© Nancy Sherwood. Web design and consultation by