Star Dragon
Now is the time of emergence for all of those who feel guided by the celestial serpent, the plumed snake, the swimming, flying, crawling dragon. Dragon is a constellation of energy that came into being with the universe and whose elements reach us from the void, into light, which then flows into form in fire, landscape, sea, and sky. With the wind and the breath, the mountains and caves, the volcanoes and geysers, the storms and the tsunamis, the meteors and earthquakes, waterfalls, all manner of speaking to those who are willing to communicate with these primal energies and experiences.
Travelling to vortices, portals, edges, means confronting the energies that are considered too wild for our civilization, too ugly to love, too much.
Why do I use the name Star Dragon? Why not leave its spacious potential unnamed? Because we are in a world of form and need to articulate what we experience: we have been given inspiring stories, untamed imagination, and the spirit tracks of indigenous cultures that have remembered the dragon essence and who have given us a way to access the powers that we need for serving greater good at this time on Earth.
Whatever our cultural inheritance regarding the dragon, this spiritual inheritance is for all who awaken to her call, since she is part of the energy and body of Gaia, as well as the dust of the stars.
Great changes have come to us in this time, part of a transition in seeing the world through different eyes, archetypal eyes, which means an invitation to merge with dragon if you feel resonant with that energy. It means being willing to open our hearts to great love and magnificence of being, not alone, but in community, because each of us “holds” a part of the dragon in us; otherwise we would not embody such an amazing diversity of being and expression. We need exactly this sized collective wisdom to co-create a reality that communicates with us instead of being in a dead world. We are held by this cosmic/earth essence at the same time as we are creating it.
This lineage which has manifested under this Star Dragon naming, has been within my consciousness for many years and I have responded to my own dragon-sense of timing in naming what it is for me. When there is enough energy focused in taking responsibility for bringing the dragon forth, we will change not only ourselves but life of the earth itself. Bringing people to circles must continue to take place, where enough energy can be focused to support change needed for rebalancing our energy in a more life-giving direction at this time.
We can see the results of our evolving consciousness now more clearly than even twenty or thirty years ago. This present period of transition could possibly birth a world more possible, because there has been a convergence of what advanced scientists now call quantum and what spiritual practitioners who use shamanic means have called Great Mystery or the Luminous Wisdom of Space. This creates great synergy for transition towards spiritual and social evolution.
We can track the history and path of awakening the dragon within and without, shapeshifting, finding entry into portals, vortices, and ley lines. With help of Heaven and Earth marrying in dragon lineage we can manifest change in the environment we are a part of. Following in Star Dragon’s footsteps, merging with her energy, listening and moving with creative dance, through events, teachings, travel, visual and tactile arts, primal sound, healing sessions, and creating appropriate technology which brings the psychic and material world together, that’s how we create and tap out the heart vibration needed to sustain life on earth at this time.
Those that have supported the Moving Mandala through teaching and participating are part of this movement of consciousness and practice; those who created and carried out the shamanic convergences in Nova Scotia 2008-12, sisters and brothers who have shown up for pilgrimage, made labyrinths, designed protective banners and shields, raised prayers with primal sound, written stories, found sightings of dragon in woods and mountains, waters and sky, have all been part of this creation that continues to unfold from the winged serpent.
Many dragon people have shown up wherever I have called a gathering, and many more I do not know about yet. You may recognize that you are part of this lineage. Its call is greater than any human voice, larger than any human existence or the power of any group, because all collective human and non-human consciousness is in coming into alignment, directed to and joined with the abundant and powerful archetypal energy of Star Dragon being.
What use can be made of merging our energies with the essence of Star Dragon? As intimated before, we who are aligned with it can help rebalance life on earth so that it is not extractive, but uses energy that is in the new paradigm in order to manifest form. It is not about taking from the Earth without giving back but co-creating with her, so that the challenges of life in the future are met with creative and transformative solutions.
Dragon is playful, alive, and loving; it works through the elements to bring magic back so that we can live more lightly on the Earth; magic we can use for healing and restoration and wholeness for all. If we have this kind of dragon vision we can communicate with any being here or in the stars and intuit connections that result in positive outcomes that do not rob the earth of life. That means we are more full of life and laughter. We are able to live with less (restrictive) gear and more intentionally in groups that share and take care of one another. Animals plants, people, rivers, trees, rocks, all communicating and relating to one another in a harmony that is only possible with the spaciousness of large open hearts. Our circles can be local and universal at the same time. Daring to dragon through life means speaking up, showing up, using grand gestures, shifting large energies, remembering the template of wellness and sanity in each of us, less hindered by the conditioning of a world view that divides us and polarizes us.
The large embrace of the dragon allows us to work with contradictions and paradoxes, allows respect for differences, allows truth to keep moving and taking new turns, as the forces of nature do.
Dragons get our attention in ways we do not like if we do not listen. They cause discomfort and we deny their entrance into our awareness until we are faced with the challenge of our own power tied up in victimhood and denial. In the West dragons were ‘conquered‘ because we did not like the shadow aspect of their challenge. We either see the serpent as the tempter or the rainbow that keeps transforming, healing, shimmering and displaying the grand illusion of existence itself.
My spirit-name is Dancing Light because those are the words that describe the energy that comes out of the void and creates itself in the moment, always changing, and the Star Dragon then brings that light into form, You can perceive this embodiment as a dance that mirrors the soul and essence of beings within the special conditions of space-time. For all of us who share and acknowledge this Star Dragon wisdom here on the planet, manifesting means taking energy-form that is fleetingly sensed by our awareness, one more step into that which can be perceived by the ordinary senses, where physical and spiritual meet. As communities of Star Dragon origin, we can shift energy to transform weather, transform illness to wellness, compassionately transform demons to allies, reframe victimhood to empowerment, make a profound difference in the world.
Blessed be.